One-on-one: Jess Norby, Social Media Strategist


Learn more about Jess’ work to help small-business owners clearly define and map out their social media strategy.

We were so excited to connect with Jess Norby, a friend and fellow marketing gal! I met Jess when she was based in Charlottesville, VA, before she relocated with her family to Charlotte, NC. But her current location is truly not important — Jess serves small businesses located anywhere in the world with social media strategy and accountability. She also provides online courses about selling on social, which you should definitely check out if you’re trying to make sales over Instagram, TikTok, or other social media platforms. Here’s more about what Jess does in her day-to-day and how she could potentially help you, a small-business owner! To learn more, check out her website.

Tell us about your business -- what do you do, who do you work with, what's your role?

I am a social media consultant and work with small business owners who are either solo entrepreneurs or have a very small team on board with them. I help them use social media (mainly Instagram) in the simplest, most effective ways possible in order to increase their engagement, following, and brand awareness.

When did your business start and where do you see it going in the future?

I started the business in September of 2016 and I see it continuing to serve small businesses in the future :-) 

What is your background and training (in this field or in general)?

I have no formal training or degrees in marketing; my training has been through experience and research! What led me to starting this business was through years of local and national partnerships with food and wellness brands, which taught me just how influential and impactful a consistent and effective social media can be to elevate those brands.

What's your favorite part of your business?

Working with people and seeing the lightbulbs go off...when they go from borderline hating social media to actually feeling excited and ready to try new tactics.

What's your least favorite part or the area that most challenges you?

An area that is most challenging to me is the imposter syndrome that creeps in throughout my entrepreneurial journey, typically when I take on a new client or when I'm about to take a new step in my business. After 6 years in business, I try to remember that it won't ever go away and that it usually happens when I'm doing something my younger self would've been too scared to do, but that doesn't make it feel more comfortable! I'm learning to go with it and remember why I keep doing what I'm doing.

What is one marketing trend that you are HERE FOR and loving right now?

It's not really a "trend" anymore, but honestly, anytime a small business owner shows their face or takes it to the next level and shows up on video...that's such a huge thing to celebrate! So many business owners are still resistant, and in this day and age—a crowded social media landscape—it's refreshing to see human faces and hear their voices.

What's one marketing trend that you could do without?

There aren't any that I can think of right now that I could do without...but I credit that to not being on social media much in the summer :-P 

We loved connecting with Jess and learning about what challenges and excites her! Hope that you did, too.

Learn more about the services, courses, and other resources that
Jess offers on
her website and on her Instagram page.


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